Monday 4 October 2010

Treat yourself to a writing workshop this Saturday

There are different kinds of writing workshops: the ones where writers share and crit each other's works, the more serious ones where you learn all about character/plotting/setting etc, and then there are workshops where you write for the sake of writing, letting your imagination run wild ...

I'm gutted to have missed three of the Brighton Creative Writing Sessions (hosted by James Burt and Ellen de Vries), but am very happy to be able to attend the last one, which is happening on Saturday, 9 October. See info below.

One sentence at a time (October 9th, 10am-4pm, at Jake Spicer's studio New England House Brighton)
Asked how he wrote a short story, Raymond Carver answered “I write the first sentence, and then I write the next sentence and then the next.” Starting with a list of first lines, we will add to them until a new story is prepared. By working together, participants will see how other people approach creation, as well as being able to generate a veritable catalogue of new ideas to take away for working on at home.


To read about previous sessions click here and here

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